Hi there,
For those of you who are new to reading my blog, below are my adventures in the modelling and fashion world as a plus size and older model.
The main activity that I have been involved in is being in the studio as part of the audience for Goks Fashion Fix which is now on Channel 4 at 8pm on Thursdays.
My friend Claudette had been invited to the filming and invited me along (thanks Claudette!).
When we arrived we were led into the studio which was surprisingly small but had the lovely pink and glass catwalk and 'Gok' logo on the wall at the end of the catwalk.
Whilst the filming was going on and the chopping and changing of scenes etc a lot of patience was called for, but we were supplied with water and sweets to keep us going.
In between the filming we were able to grab a seat and rest the aching feet-my feet were especially achy as i had worn heels to impress!
There were plenty of things going on in the programme, we saw hair makeovers, Gok putting together the high street look verses the designer look and how items of clothing should be worn, and the best accessories to have, and seeing the guest stars!
I saw Joan Collins and Kelly Osbourne (on seperate filming days), even though I didnt get to meet them.
They had a little game to take part in-there were 5 or 6 models wearing items (for Joan it was blouses and for Kelly it was t-shirts), and they had to rank the items from the most expensive to the least expensive.
They both didnt do too badly!
Claudette and I attended 3 different filming days (30 May, 13 June and 20 June)-the highlight of which was when Gok recognised me and actually came over to me to say hi and gave me a kiss! I'm very nearly a celebrity now!
In my last blog (No. 2) I mentioned a workshop I attended that was run by Trinny and Susannah (T&S).
At this workshop I met a lovely lady called Claudia Maynard who works for an organisation called 100% people (www.100percentpeople.com).
She asked me to write a diary page called 'A Day in the Life of a Plus Size Model' and I was more than happy to oblige.
If you would like to have a read the link is below; http://www.100percentpeople.com/articles/index.php/a-day-in-the-life-of-a-plus-size-model/
Thanks for the opportunity Claudia! Oh yes, and the red dress I mentioned in the very same blog that i had seen at the T&S workshop, you know I wouldn't be able to resist getting it, although I didnt buy exactly the same one but another hot number that will be getting an airing fairly soon.
If you would like to know about my activities around my life coaching world there's a blog on my website (www.positivejourney.co.uk)
Do feel free to leave me a message in my guest book or drop me an e-mail.