It's my 1st blog and thought you would all like to know about what our charity Karmic Angels is doing in the Gambia to celebrate the Gambia's 50th Anniversary of Independence from the UK in Feb. 2015.
Here is the link to read more and see if you can support.
Sponsorship of the tour is more than welcome. Proceeds from the tour will build a new nursery school in Sumakunda, provide needy medical equipment and medications for Serrekunda Hospital, Serrekunda Health Centre and Ming Daw Clinic and Maternity in Farato and to provide water to 210 women for their crop field on The North Bank of the Gambia in Sittanunku.
We need as much support either monetary or in kind that you can offer so please open up your hearts and donate.
We have a new donation page for this at
Thank you all in advance.
Karmic Angels UK Charity No. 1130347