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The Sadness Diet© - Day 4 (Use of Affirmations)

Welcome Back

Thank you so much for joining in our Sadness Diet and the journey to happier times.

Hope you are feeling ok today. If you are feeling a bit low, I just want you to stop and take 2 minutes to add the feel good factor to this moment.

Feedback From Yesterday

I hope you at least started to create your vision board yesterday. With time, you will find that you get to enjoy creating your board as you use your creativity to come up with things that will help bring your ideas to life. I would love for you to feedback on this blog or email me especially if you need help with any of the activities Today, using our IGROWS model we will focus on our Goals (Use of Affirmations)

Today, we will look at using positive affirmations to help us on our journey to a happier life. When you created your vision board yesterday, you may have focussed on a particular thing that you want to experience, Now it’s time to ad some positive words which will allow you to stay positive and focussed. Affirmations are basically positive statements that you have to say with confidence, passion, enthusiasm, and belief that the statement is true for you.

You need to keep repeating them on a regular basis.

Some Happiness Affirmations
  • I go to bed with happiness every night.

  • I spring out of bed with joy, excitement and a positive attitude.

  • My pleasing and joyful personality is contagious.

  • I am open to giving and receiving happiness.

  • For me, the future is always bright and happy. I focus on things I can change.

The Power of Affirmations
  • When you write it, the magic begins.

  • After you write it, you can start reading it.

  • When you start reading it, you’ll be able to start saying it.

  • When you start saying it, you start hearing it.

  • When you start hearing it, you start to believe it.

  • When you believe it, things begin to change.

  • When things begin to change, you will understand and believe.

“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now.” ~ Goethe

Today's Activity

So what you have to do, is to look at the goal you wanted to achieve in your vision board yesterday and then write down some positive affirmations to help bring your goal to life.

Instant Feel Good
  1. Sit down.

  2. Breathe in slowly and Breathe out Slowly ( do this a couple of times).

  3. Say - I am so grateful and happy to be alive to see another day.

  4. Think and focus on something that makes you feel happy or my favourite “wake up I feel happy boom, boom, I feel like dancing around boom boom, and now I am dancing line no one’s watching boom, boom”.

  5. Smile – Just spend a few seconds smiling, and then I want you to give out a couple of big laughs (hahaha)

You should really try and do the above every morning, last thing at night or at any moment you need a quick pick me up.

You could also create your own routine and feel free to send it to me.

See you tomorrow when we will celebrate!


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