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The Sadness Diet© - Day 5 (Celebrate Our Progress So Far)

Writer's picture: Genny JonesGenny Jones
Welcome Back

Thank you so much for joining in our Sadness Diet and the journey to happier times

Feedback From The Last Few Days

I am really overwhelmed by the interest and comments people have had about this diet.

Please be encouraged to have a positive outlook to life. Yes there are times when unexpected things happen which will make us sad, frustrated and depressed.

As we know that there is time for every purpose under heaven, we know too that periods of sadness will always follow periods of laughter.

Remember that you are allowed to express your emotions as it is all part of the healing process.

Today’s Activity

Well today, the idea is that you go through all the activities of the past few days and celebrate the fact that your started the Diet and are now on this fabulous journey to happiness.

Do email me if you have any questions

Dare to Laugh - Have a go at Laughter Yoga

Go the Extra Smile

If you see someone without a smile, go out and give them one of yours

Instant Feel Good (Every Morning and Night)
  1. Sit down.

  2. Breathe in slowly and Breathe out Slowly (Do this a couple of times).

  3. Say - I am so grateful and happy to be alive to see another day.

  4. Think and focus on something that makes you feel happy or my favourite “Wake up I feel happy boom, boom, I feel like dancing around boom boom, and now I am dancing line no one’s watching boom, boom”.

  5. Smile – Just spend a few seconds smiling, and then I want you to give out a couple of big laughs (hahaha)

You should really try and do the above every morning, last thing at night or at any moment you need a quick pick me up.

You could also create your own routine and feel free to send it to me.

Have a lovely weekend and see you tomorrow.


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